Fraud Awareness Training
Completion required by Oct. 29 for ALL College employees.
Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 117.103(B) and Ohio Auditor of State Bulletin 2024-005, all College employees are now required to complete fraud awareness training and sign acknowledgement by Oct. 29, 2024.
This can be accomplished in approximately 10 minutes in two easy steps:
- Complete the seven-minute training here and download your Ohio Auditor of State Fraud Training Certificate of Completion to a location on your computer. (When registering, please note Tri-C is a "State Agency" under the “Entity Type” drop-down menu.)
- Visit the Tri-C Required Fraud Training Form site and upload your Certificate of Completion from Step 1. Sign acknowledgement of the form and click “submit.”
This training is a requirement under state law. Failure to complete this training may result in disciplinary action under the Employee Code of Conduct.
Please direct questions to
Thank you in advance for your attention and completing the required training.